...and not going back until April 2011!!
It's a very strange thing to think about, but a very good perk about living in the UK. Here's we're entitled to take up to a year off work and return to the same job. I do get paid for some of my time, but not all of it and not my full salary. I also accrue my annual leave while I'm away, which means I have 30 days (at full pay) which I can only take after my official maternity leave ends, which is why I've got until April off. I am definitely looking forward to being a stay at home mommy, but it's hard to picture what life will be like, even in a few weeks.
We've got two weeks left (in theory), so our weekend was mainly comprised of shopping for all the things we haven't bought yet-both in store and online. We're nearly there...I think!?!?
The exciting part of this week is Wednesday when Mom arrives!! We've got lots of plans to paint the nursery and get some other things done around the house, so hopefully Baby W won't make too early of an appearance. Actually I'm convinced he'll be late--not for any reason in particular, but just a hunch.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
doctors, midwives, hospitals
Well it's been a week of appointments for me. 5 in 4 days. These include an ultrasound, consultant appointment, 2 midwife appointments and a hospital appointment. Most were routine appointments, but the abundance is due to us trying to change to a local hospital, and because I'm now at 36 weeks, everything has to happen quickly. Let's start at the beginning:
- 12:30pm, February 15th - 36 week ultrasound (actual time 12:55pm)
This was (most likely) my final ultrasound to track Baby W's growth. He's looking good. Unfortunately he was feeling a little camera shy and we couldn't get a good shot of his face, so we'll just have to wait for the real thing in a month's time. He's still tracking on the average trajectory (hooray!) and is currently estimated to be 5lb 14oz, which if he continues to put on the average 0.5lb per week, would make him around 8lbs around his birth--which sounds reasonable, right?! He's also still head down, which is good, and let's hope that fibroid is keeping him that way. The fibroid is still showing no growth since 20 weeks, so we're in good shape. - 2:00pm, Februarly 15th - consultant appointment (actual time 3:15pm)
This was a follow up appointment about the fibroid to discuss what measures, if any, will have to be taken during the birth because of the fibroid's existance. The consultant said, as the fibroid is external and high on my uterus, it shouldn't affect me trying for a vaginal birth (as opposed to a cesearian)-good!. She suggested that during the delivery, they use 'active management' during the third stage of labor (which is the delivery of the placenta). There is a small risk of extra bleeding so what they'll do is give me a shot which help my uterus to contract faster to quicker delivery of the placenta. I was probably going to elect to have this shot anyway (who wants to wait around for up to an hour more for the placenta come out?!). - 2:30pm, February 15th - old midwife appointment (actual time 4:00pm)
This was effectively my last appointment with my old midwife, Mara. We did all the normal bits-blood pressure (120/80 - normal), bump size (34 centimeters -normal), baby's heartrate (131 - normal), baby's position (head down-as seen in scan) and he's not started to engage (drop into pelvis) yet-I think this can start anytime soon, and urine (slightly elevated nitrate levels, so she sent off to test for urinary tract infection, but didn't think it was likely as I had no other symptoms. We also discussed our birth plan, which is basically a list of what we'd like to see happen during the birth. I think I'll save the details for another post closer to the due date, particularly as things might have to change when we switch hospitals. - 2:50pm, Feburary 17th - new midwife appointment (actual time 2:40pm!)
So this was my first appointment with a midwife in Bromley. She informed me that I have to rebook with the hospital in Bromley and luckily when she phoned they had just had a cancellation, as there were no other appointments in the next month! No idea what would have happened if they didn't--a waiting list I guess? Anyway, that appointment is tomorrow and I'll have to give a full medical history, etc again as I did in my first midwife appoitnment 8 months ago. *sigh* such a waste of time. They may also go through their referral system for a final decision on whether doctors need to be involved with the delivery (normally midwives do all normal deliveries-and doctors are just on call in case of problems). She did all the normal tests again, everything, including urine levels were normal today. - 8:30 am, February 18th - hospital registration appointment
This is tomorrow, so stay posted!
uk baby shower
On Saturday, my lovely friends threw me a wonderful baby shower-English style! Baby showers are only just starting to catch on over here, but my friends were determined not to be outdone by their American counterparts. The 'English' way of course involves tea, of which there was plenty of variety as well as lovely little tea like sandwiches (cream cheese, sweet chili and cucumber, ham and cheese, egg and cress), scones and darling cupcakes (or fairy cakes as they're called here) with the appropriate blue icing. Here are a few food photos:
This was followed by a few games including: guess the flavor baby food (I was horrible at this-and I suggest everyone avoids a broccoli and cauliflour bake flavor-ew!), and guess the size of Stacy's bump, which involved everyone getting some string and then having to guess my circumference by cutting the string to size (I was not allowed to cheat and was equally horrible at this!)
And then we opened presents. Instead of writing who they were from, everyone had to put their baby photo on the present and I had to guess who they were from. Some were easier than others, of course! I hadn't heard this before and thought it was a super cute idea. Unfortunately I don't have a photo of all the gifts, but I can tell you they filled this Moses basket. Little baby W is going to be one well dressed little man!
It was a great afternoon, so thanks to all you who made it so special!
While us girls who oohing and aahing over cute baby things, we sent our boys to our house to move in our nursery furniture and put together our dining room furniture. I think we got the better end of the deal! I'm not posting any nursery photos til it's all complete, but here's a shot of our new dining room set:
Well done boys!
baby shower,
Friday, 12 February 2010
1 month to go!
That's right I'm 36 weeks today! Crazy to think how different life will be in a month's time. I haven't yet reached that point of 'get this baby out of me' - I think mainly because I have so much left to do. I also have two more weeks at work left, a big part of me is wondering why I'm not finishing sooner, but I know I'll be glad to have those two more weeks next year at the end of my maternity leave. Anyway, I thought I'd first share a photo, which my family has been asking for. So this is me a few days ago:
I've generally found pregnany quite enjoyable. It's amazing to think there's a little boy growing inside. He's been making his presence known as well. Kicking and stretching out all over the place. I think I've been having more (non-painful) braxton hicks contraction this week. We learned on our course that you have contractions from about 20 weeks onwards and when your belly feels compact and hard, that's most likely a contraction-well a practice contraction anyway. Pregnancy hasn't all been fun, of course, there's been some weird and not-so-wonderful aspects which I think are probably related to pregnancy. I've probably shared some before, but here's a little list (particularly for the many friends I've just found out are expecting this summer!):
A fun weekend ahead with a baby shower tomorrow and our last ever Valentine's day as a childless couple! And, Monday is our last ultrasound and consultant appointment (about the fibroid), and I also have my first midwife appointment at my new GP in Bromley, so expect more news next week!
- excessive trips to the bathroom to pee (first and third trimester)
- leg cramps-side and back of calves (all 3 trimesters)
- occasional sciatic nerve pain in lower back (first and third)
- sneezing (first)
- occasional lower abdominal cramping (all 3-only very painful once)
- decreased fitness, shortness of breath-especially going up stairs (increasing over pregnancy)
- difficulty rolling over in bed or getting off the floor/deep sofa (third)
- groin/pelvic pain-making crossing legs or standing up after sitting a long time painful (since running through airport at Christmas)
- dry eyes/contacts feeling irritated (6th month only)
- itchy rash on lower legs (for last week)
- shortness of breath when talking quickly! (new this week-particularly when I'm first on the phone to someone or kicking off a meeting)
- wine (particulary red) tastes cheap, and still no cravings (all 3)
A fun weekend ahead with a baby shower tomorrow and our last ever Valentine's day as a childless couple! And, Monday is our last ultrasound and consultant appointment (about the fibroid), and I also have my first midwife appointment at my new GP in Bromley, so expect more news next week!
antenatal couse,
Monday, 1 February 2010
antenatal course #2 and midwife appt
Sorry blogging has been a little more quiet lately. Wish I could say the new house was taking up all our time, but I don't feel like we've gotten much done here either. Busy with who knows what, but we haven't been in our house long enough to get anything substantial done. The end of February is looking less busy (so far...) so hopefully we'll make some progress then.
One thing that has taken up our time is another antenatal class which was all day Saturday. Another very helpful session. We talked mainly about the birth and some postnatal care. We covered things pain relief options (which will be necessary), ceseareans (which hopefully won't be), and birthing positions (I'll spare the details). In terms of pain relief, we covered four main options:
1.TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) machines-specifically for childbirth, which you can buy or rent. The send electric pulses which can block pain gateways to the brain and also help to release endophins. They are drug free of course and have no side effects for baby.
2. Drug similar to demoral-which is IV based drug, effecting whole body rather than a localized numbness and can sometimes slow labor. It can also cause nausea and sleepiness. I probably won't elect to use this drug.
3. Gas and Air-which is a mixture of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and oxygen. I don't think they use this in the US, but it's commonly used in the UK. Good thing about it is that it only takes 20sec to kick in and 20 sec to leave system, so if I don't like it, I don't have to use it.
4. Epideral-low or high dose. Directly into spine which numbs lower part of your body. There are lots of potiential side effects, plus you have to be tied to monitors constantly, which limits mobility. But you feel a lot less pain.
I want to keep an open approach to the birth. I don't want to go in with a set idea of I definitely want or don't want certain things. Paul and I are going to write up a 'birth wish list' at some point this month which will outline how we want to approach the birth.
This morning I also had another midwife appointment. Everything seems to be in order. My blood tests from last month were back and all was good. My iron levels were high which is good. Blood pressure (118/64) was normal and so was urine test. We heard Baby W's heart beat which was strong. His position is head down, which is perfect and let's hope he stays that way for the last 6 weeks. My bump measured 34 cm which is perfectly average for being 34 weeks. Our next appointments are on Feb 15th and include my final ultrasound, a follow up appt with consultant for the fibroid and another midwife appt which is where we're meant to write up our birth plan with her. I say 'meant to' because I'm in the process of most likely changing to a local midwife so I can go to a local hospital rather than have to drive an hour+ to the hospital closest to our old flat. I've got an appt at my GP on Thursday who will refer me to the local midwife services and then we'll see how the first appt with her goes before I make a final decision.
We finally bought our nursery furniture today and just making final decisions on bedding. I won't reveal anything though until it's all put together. Maybe you can bribe my mom to give you hints as she's helping plan everything and we'll do together when she comes over early next month. Can't wait!!
One thing that has taken up our time is another antenatal class which was all day Saturday. Another very helpful session. We talked mainly about the birth and some postnatal care. We covered things pain relief options (which will be necessary), ceseareans (which hopefully won't be), and birthing positions (I'll spare the details). In terms of pain relief, we covered four main options:
1.TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) machines-specifically for childbirth, which you can buy or rent. The send electric pulses which can block pain gateways to the brain and also help to release endophins. They are drug free of course and have no side effects for baby.
2. Drug similar to demoral-which is IV based drug, effecting whole body rather than a localized numbness and can sometimes slow labor. It can also cause nausea and sleepiness. I probably won't elect to use this drug.
3. Gas and Air-which is a mixture of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and oxygen. I don't think they use this in the US, but it's commonly used in the UK. Good thing about it is that it only takes 20sec to kick in and 20 sec to leave system, so if I don't like it, I don't have to use it.
4. Epideral-low or high dose. Directly into spine which numbs lower part of your body. There are lots of potiential side effects, plus you have to be tied to monitors constantly, which limits mobility. But you feel a lot less pain.
I want to keep an open approach to the birth. I don't want to go in with a set idea of I definitely want or don't want certain things. Paul and I are going to write up a 'birth wish list' at some point this month which will outline how we want to approach the birth.
This morning I also had another midwife appointment. Everything seems to be in order. My blood tests from last month were back and all was good. My iron levels were high which is good. Blood pressure (118/64) was normal and so was urine test. We heard Baby W's heart beat which was strong. His position is head down, which is perfect and let's hope he stays that way for the last 6 weeks. My bump measured 34 cm which is perfectly average for being 34 weeks. Our next appointments are on Feb 15th and include my final ultrasound, a follow up appt with consultant for the fibroid and another midwife appt which is where we're meant to write up our birth plan with her. I say 'meant to' because I'm in the process of most likely changing to a local midwife so I can go to a local hospital rather than have to drive an hour+ to the hospital closest to our old flat. I've got an appt at my GP on Thursday who will refer me to the local midwife services and then we'll see how the first appt with her goes before I make a final decision.
We finally bought our nursery furniture today and just making final decisions on bedding. I won't reveal anything though until it's all put together. Maybe you can bribe my mom to give you hints as she's helping plan everything and we'll do together when she comes over early next month. Can't wait!!
antenatal couse,
pain relief,
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