Monday 13 August 2012

birthday boy!

an old post which never got published in March!

Jamie turned 2 on Sunday and he is very excited about it. Events started the weekend before when we went down to Nanna and Grandad's and visit Drucilla's Zoo with them and Uncle Sam and Aunt Sian. Jamie loved all the animals, which you can see some highlights below. The Zoo also had a Thomas train which of course Jamie loved. More photos can be found on our Flickr page.

Riding Thomas!

Thomas! too excited to stand still!

Imitating the flamigos!

We had a BBQ on Saturday with our friends and we had the most beautiful day for it. We all hung out outside for the afternoon and the kids ran around the backyard having a blast. Our train obsessed son, got his very own Thomas cake for his birthday which he had to wait to eat until all his "friends are here." So everytime the doorbell rang, he shouted "friends are here!". It was a 3 evening challenge which I enjoyed very much. I found some good tutorials on the internet to guide me through the process, which was easier than I thought it would be. Below are some photos from the big day and the rest can be found on our Flickr page.