Friday, 11 September 2009

How are you feeling?

So the first thing nearly everyone has asked me after finding out I'm pregnant is how I'm feeling. I think I've been pretty lucky so far. I have been nauseous but not actually sick. I found if I eat something every couple of hours it helped, though I never really felt hungry. As lunch approached I'd feel particularly not like eating but knew if I ate I'd feel better, which was always the case. I kept a store of pretzels or fruit and nuts to snack on in my desk. Consequently, I put on about 8lbs and already have had to go back to my 'fat' jeans. I guess I'm lucky I lost all that weight during marathon training and still have all my pre-weightloss wardrobe to tide me over until the maternity clothes phase.

The last two weeks have been getting gradually better and I feel less sick and haven't been snacking as much. I've also been able to work out with my trainer Fiona for her last three weeks in England (once a week) and she's set me up with a three gym workouts, plenty of pelvic floor exercises and I've also been promised a post pregnancy workout as well. I've also been running 3 times a week for 30-40 min and still cycling to and from work (45min per day). I've also been trying to walk to work once a week (takes about 55 min). And I'm down 2 lbs. I know it will come back quickly once this baby hits a growth spurt, but a small little victory for me, since I knew a lot of my weight gain was extra food, not extra baby. I'm probably only run for about a month more and then switch to low impact cardio.

I'm officially done with the first trimester tomorrow when I will be 14 weeks. I'm looking forward to actually looking pregnant hopefully soon, and not just feeling a little chubby.

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy for you!!! And I love your blog -- just had to follow so that I can keep up with you and your bundle of joy!!!!!

