Friday, 18 June 2010

We're in St. Louis!!

We've made to hot and humid St Louis! Jamie did brilliantly on the flights. He slept most of the way on both, and he only cried when he was hungry and for a tiny bit on the descent into Chicago, but calmed down and fell asleep with his pacifier. It's been a little overwhelming for him with this completely new environment and all these new people, so he's been more fussy than usual, but he's also been full of smiles and cuddles for everyone he meets. Here are a shots from his first few days. Courtney has been on paparazzi patrol again and isn't failing in her duties, so it'll take a while to get up all the photos. I'll also put them all on Flickr when I have time to sort through the best ones.

Meeting his great grandma, Gammy, for the first time:

Four generations:

He's got some new tricks too including holding up his head and also trying to roll over (however this rolling over is more out of anger from being on his tummy than anything else):

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