Wednesday, 28 July 2010

three and four months!

Over the weekend Jamie also turned four months, and I've also realised that I never posted his 3 month shots, which were taken in St Louis. Milestones for the last two months include rolling over from front to back (just before three months), grabbing at his toys, finding his fingers, tongue and toes, blowing raspberries and laughing. He's a general charmer. Here are some of the photos, there are more in Flickr (see sets Jamie-3rd month and Jamie-4th month):

And the outtakes:

Kim may or may not have played a role in the above;)

Showing off his new tricks:

If you take one more photo...

Sam and Sian come for a visit

Over the weekend Uncle Sam and Auntie Sian came for a visit. They hadn't seen Jamie since day 4, so he's changed a lot for them. Here are some pics. There are some more on Flickr too.

Bonding session on the floor:

Enjoying the nice weather outside:

Showing off my smile to Sian:

And using her for a chew toy:

They wore me out:

Come visit us again soon!!

Thursday, 22 July 2010

17 weeks and all smiles

Jamie is 17 weeks today, a mere few days off being 4 months. He's a growing little man too. Up to 15lb 7oz and he actually got measured today or the first time since birth and he's 25.5 inches long. He's in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height. Hopefully he's taking after Paul's dad in the height category.

We talked to the health visitor about a few more issues too. Jamie has traditionally been a very good sleeper, including sleeping through the night or most of it for quite a while. However for the last 2 weeks or so, he's been getting up in the night for two feeds and sometimes waking up more outside of that. I thought it might be the time change or a growth spurt, but since it hasn't eased I am wondering if it's time to start introducing some baby rice. She suggested giving him another week and then trying it if he is still waking for two feeds.

We also found out that poor J has baby eczema. He's had really dry skin for a while and recently he's started developing red patches in all his little fat creases. I had to go back to see the doctor and she prescribed some hydrocortisone cream for the red patches and she also prescibed some special moisturizer, baby wash and bath oils so hopefully it'll get sorted out soon. In the meantime, I took a little video of Jamie laughing today, hope you like it:

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

photos, photos and more photos

I've finally posted all the photos to Flickr.  I've recently started to arrange them in sets. You can see all the sets here:

New photos can be found in James Samuel Woodward, Jamie-3rd month, Jamie-4th month, Sugar Tree Club and Hilton Head. However, all the photos appear in multiple groups. I would suggest looking in Jamie 3rd and 4th months too see the new ones.

The photos include a photo shoot we did in our back garden before leaving for St Louis, as well as the best of the photos from St Louis, Sugartree and Hilton Head.

I haven't captioned them yet, hopefully I'll get around to that soon as well as writing some blogs about the highlights of our trip.

Friday, 16 July 2010

jamie's new toy

We are going away this weekend and spending a lot of time in the car, so I thought I'd get Jamie a new a new toy for his carseat. I wanted to try it out first to see if he'd like it. What do you think?!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

a new member of our family...

Don't worry, I'm not pregnant...we're getting a puppy! A sweet little chocolate lab we've named Remmy. She was born 5 weeks ago and we got to see her for the first time on Sunday.The litter has two bitches and we will get first choice on July 31st when we'll pick out Remmy. Because we have a couple more weddings in August, we've asked to pick her up on August 15th so we won't have to leave her on her own or ask anyone else to watch her when she's so little. I'm under no disillusion, I realise this will be a lot of work, especially with Jamie being so young, but we hope they will grow up together. Paul's already promised to be in charge of any middle of the night cries from Remmy. We plan on crate training her and start very early with obedience training. Wish us luck! Here are some photos from Sunday:

Monday, 12 July 2010

we're back!

So we have hundreds and hundreds of photos to sort through, so I'll be working on that in the next week or so, but we had a great time with my family in the States. We spent 2.5 weeks in St Louis, a long weekend at Sugartree (parents' place on the Gasconade river) with my mom's side of the family, and 5 days in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Jamie got to meet nearly all my family and spend tons and tons of time with his grandparents and aunts and uncle. They couldn't get enough of them. We will miss them, but I am looking forward to getting back into a routine. With all the new people, places and beds Jamie hasn't been sleeping very well, making me very very tired. I am hoping once we get some regularity back, he'll start sleeping through the night again.

Today Jamie had his overdue 3 month immunisations, hip check (follow up from 6 weeks because he had uneven fat creases in his thighs!), and a weigh in. Shots went fine. He only cried for 10 seconds or so, very brave little man! His fat creases have evened out, so no need for concern And he weighed in at 14lbs 12 oz! What a porker! He's moved from the 35th to 50th percentile in weight for boys at his age. Seems like we all put on a little too much weight while in the States. I don't need to be too worried as long as he doesn't jump up again but the doctor suggested I try giving him some water every once in a while, especially when it's hot here.

After the doc's, we caught up with our antenatal course friends, all who are getting bigger and more interactive like Jamie. It was fun seeing them all, even if it was tiring for poor jet-lagged Jamie and me. Next week we're thinking about driving to the beach for the day if it's not too hot (or cold!), so stayed tuned for that trip.