Thursday, 22 July 2010

17 weeks and all smiles

Jamie is 17 weeks today, a mere few days off being 4 months. He's a growing little man too. Up to 15lb 7oz and he actually got measured today or the first time since birth and he's 25.5 inches long. He's in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height. Hopefully he's taking after Paul's dad in the height category.

We talked to the health visitor about a few more issues too. Jamie has traditionally been a very good sleeper, including sleeping through the night or most of it for quite a while. However for the last 2 weeks or so, he's been getting up in the night for two feeds and sometimes waking up more outside of that. I thought it might be the time change or a growth spurt, but since it hasn't eased I am wondering if it's time to start introducing some baby rice. She suggested giving him another week and then trying it if he is still waking for two feeds.

We also found out that poor J has baby eczema. He's had really dry skin for a while and recently he's started developing red patches in all his little fat creases. I had to go back to see the doctor and she prescribed some hydrocortisone cream for the red patches and she also prescibed some special moisturizer, baby wash and bath oils so hopefully it'll get sorted out soon. In the meantime, I took a little video of Jamie laughing today, hope you like it:

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