Saturday 9 April 2011

jamie's birthday(s!)

The end of March was a very busy couple of weeks for the birthday boy. It started with the first celebration with Nanna and Grandad.

We spent some time planting in the front garden while Jamie got cuddles from Grandad:

And then we opened and enjoyed presents:

And of course there was cake (it is a Remmy version of Clifford, handmade by me--I don't think I have a future career in cake-making!)

Who doesn't love a photos of a child covered in chocolate cake:

The next big event was a last minute visit from Big Daddy. We had lots of fun with him. We went to the playground , practiced his walking, and played with new presents outside. Unfortunately, our nice camera broke the morning of his birthday, so our photos are limited, but here is a nice one:

While he was here we had a birthday BBQ with some of our friends. He really enjoyed himself and got lots of nice presents, and, of course, another cake:

He was also spoiled by all his aunts and uncles. Lots and lots and lots of fun presents, including a few which we have especially enjoying in the warm sunshine this week. Thanks to everyone who helped make it so special.

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