Wednesday 11 May 2011

I can stand up!

Even though Jamie has been able to walk for about a month, he hasn't been using it as his main mode of transportation. Crawling is just quicker and also, he hasn't been able to stand up by himself when he falls down. He can very easily pull himself up with even just a tiny amount of assistance, but has shown absolutely no attempt to just stand up on his own...until today that is... I took Jamie and Remmy to the park and let Jamie out of the buggy to have a little walking time and after about 10 steps, he fell in the grass and then just stood himself back up and kept going. I was shocked. I took a video which shows his many attempts to get his balance, but I swear the first time he did it, he just got straight up. Clever little man...

You can also see the video here:

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