Wednesday, 23 September 2009

15 weeks--can't i look pregnant yet?

So my sister has been begging for a belly photo, and I meant to take one each week, but of course I always think about it when I'm by myself or have just gotten back from a run or cycling and look really horrible, so this is my first one. It may look like a bit of a bump, but that's not the baby as its still sitting very low, but I suppose it must be pushing around all my insides up cause my clothes are getting tighter, but I just feel pudgey. It will be nice to soon look properly pregnant and then people will stop having to wonder if I'm just putting on a little weight or if I'm actually pregnant and will just ask;).

So here you go Kimmy:

1 comment:

  1. i'm excited Stacy. Can't wait to see you at christmas!! Any thoughts on names yet?
