Thursday, 11 March 2010

the nursery!!

I've kept our nursery plans under tight wraps until they were finished. And we still have some final touches to do tomorrow, but the painting is all finished and it looks amazing!! I can't take credit for any of it, my mom did it all and she's amazing.  See for yourself:

The inspiration for it all started with the bedding:
This is the crib wall without the furtniture blocking the view:

This is how it will look normally:

This is above the changing table:

This is the dresser wall, minus the dresser:

This is how it will look normally:

And there is more fun to come with these monkeys tomorrow, so stay posted for more photos!


  1. LOVE it! wow- your mom is so talented!

  2. Wow, that is awesome!!! :-)

  3. Jill, what a wonderful job!!!
    Are we going to see the sock monkeys soon?

