Friday night was probaby the worst night in my life (at least in any recent memory). I apologize in advance that this post is not for the squeamish. You have been warned...
Before going to bed on Friday I felt a little funny but with impending labor, nothing is really that out of the ordinary. Flu like symptons are common in pre-labor. At about 12:40 I woke up and made a dash for toilet and started throwing up and until there was nothing left to throw up. We had chinese take-away for dinner, so I thought it might be related to that. I went back to bed, only to wake up 20 minutes later and repeat the pattern. This continued every 20 minutes almost on the dot until 6:00am. After the first few times, there was pretty much nothing left, so resorted to throwing up in a bucket the rest of the night (Paul, bless him, cleaning it out after each time). Even though there was nothing left in my tummy, the violent throwing up continued all night. It was also paired with diorrhea (lovely, eh?!). We rang the hospital a couple times in the night and they said to monitor baby's movement and try to keep hydrated (yeah, right!). The second time we called (about 5am), they said to ring back at 6:30 or 7:00 if it was still happening. We were one session away from going to the hospital. After 6am, I slept through until 9:30. As it was occuring every 20 minutes, I had begun to wonder if they were connected to contractions. My abdomen was going rigid, but it wasn't painful, so if anything, it might have been Braxton Hicks.
Later that morning, I rang the hospital again because I was concerned about the baby and potential dehydration. I talked to a very nice midwife who said it sounded like I had likely Norovirus (which the hospital recently had a breakout earlier in the month). She said their first priority is the baby, but because of the contaigousness of the virus, they'd prefer I'd stay at home. She said to drink something cold and eat something sugary and monitor the baby's movement. If he didn't become active, then I should ring back in an hour. Luckily, it seemed to work-I did feel him shift around. Though the toast and jam did make me ill again and I ended up going back to sleep. That was the last time though. I slept on and off all day and by the evening was feeling much better and managed to drink more easily and eat some crackers and a half of a banana. My energy also began to return. I had a full night's sleep last night and today I've been much better. I'm definitely on the mend and able to eat more normally today, though I'm of course taking it easy. I'm even beginning to hope labor starts again, as I had to put my wishes for that on hold on Saturday as I probably wouldn't have had the energy for it.
Thankfully, no one else in our house has shown signs of the Norovirus, so prayers that it doesn't spread would be greatly appreciated. We can also give thanks that this didn't occur after the baby came, so I've found a reason to be grateful for being 9 days overdue.
Tomorrow I'm back at the hospital for my second sweep and I got a call on Friday to say my induction has been booked for Thursday (check in will be Wednesday night). Of course I want to avoid induction, but it's nice to know I'll be meeting my little man by the end of the week. Hopefully,if nothing else, all this intestinal upset will have moved me further along.
You poor thing. I know how miserable you feel. I had a stomach virus three times during my pregnancy with Sam, the final one occuring near the very end and it was just awful (although not nearly as severe as it sounds yours was). I hope you're feeling better soon!