I had my sweep this morning. The process itself was slightly uncomfortable but not too bad. What was unfortunate was hearing that I'm only 1cm dialated and my cervix was still pretty hard, which means Baby W is still pretty comfy in there. I've got a second sweep booked for Monday morning, and they are going to phone me with an appointment for an induction which will either be Thursday or Friday. It was pretty disheartening hearing I'm not that far along, but hopefully he'll surprise us all and speed things up for us!
Meanwhile it's back to pineapple, raspberry tea, spicy foods, walks, 'other activities' and I might look into acupuncture, but have to give that some more thought/looking into before I run out and get a bunch of needles put in me!!
The needles don't hurt! Okay, well maybe the one in the bottom of the foot hurt a bit for just a second. ;-) And there is nipple stimulation.